



よろしければ、「“Today’s Spiritual Guidance”の用い方を考える」もご参照ください。









In the following spiritual guidance, please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.









A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.


"You are growing so fast. You and I are going to talk about your answers during the next session. Great job, my dear." 






A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"My dear. Your dreams are coming true. Focus on your dreams."


前世でいた場所を訪ねる Spiritual Guidance-Based Coaching sessionを希望するあるクライアントの方に、その方のスピリチュアル・ガイドが伝えたこと。

「あなたの変化への覚悟がまだ十分でないようです。〇〇(地名)でのSpiritual Guidance-Based Coaching sessionの予約を確定する前に、私とつながって、覚悟を決めて人生を変化させるのか、そうでないか、はっきりさせましょう。」


A client wanted to take a Spiritual Guidance-Based Coaching session in a place where she was in a past life. She received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"It seems you have not committed to life changes enough. Before you confirm your appointment of Spiritual Guidance-Based Coaching session in xx (name of a place), connect with me to clarify if you are determined to change your life or not."





A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"Come to xx (name of a place). Remember your past lives there."