



よろしければ、「“Today’s Spiritual Guidance”の用い方を考える」もご参照ください。









In the following spiritual guidance, please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.









A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.


"If you seek your answers outside yourself, you would think that God is outside yourself. But, the truth is that God is within yourself."





Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.



Spiritual Gudiance-Based-Coaching sessionを希望しているクライアントの女性から、「変化への恐れと変わらなかったらどうしようという不安感がまだすこしあります。セッション前に、不安や恐れを乗り越えるにはどうしたらよいでしょうか。」というご相談を受けました。







A female client who hoped to take a Spiritual Guidance-Based Coaching expressed, "I have some fear towards change. I am anxious to think what if I could not change myself and my life. How could I overcome the fear and anxiety before the session?"


One of her spiritual guides gave her spiritual guidance. 



"If there is core in your heart, you could overcome the situation. The core means if you can trust yourself or not. Trusting yourself depends on if you trust God. Trusting God is equal to trusting yourself.


God is not an image you describe in your heart. God is a living being with certainty in yourself. What you believe in God is not to throw away yourself, but to live together with God. If you throw away yourself, it means that you let an image of God sway yourself, which you have to take the responsibility. Therefore, it is your responsibility to grow relationship between God and yourself."





Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.





A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"My dear. Talk to me. Then receive a spiritual guidance when would be the next session. You are making a lot of progress. Listen to me more directly."




A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"My dear. Remember how you worked with me in the past life. Remember why you felt blocked to connect with me."





A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"My dear. You love is always received by your ancestors. So, know that you are loved by them. When you feel lonely and isolated, just call the ancestors who love you."






A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"If you want to protect yourself from others' negative energy, a solution is to wish and seek for connection with God no matter what happens."


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.




「体の中に、神とあなたのエネルギー以外入らなければ、 あなたは神と一つです。もし体の中に神とあなた以外の他者のエネルギーを感じたら、神に祈りなさい。『このエネルギーが、正しい位置に戻りますように』と。」

A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"When only God and your energy are in your body, you are one with God. If you feel energy other than God and you, pray to God, 'May the energy go back to a right place.'"


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.




A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"When you feel that your role is over in a relationship with someone, follow your heart. Because, in your case, what you really need to face is not the person, but a situation that you cannot connect with God and you feel difficulty in life. Your illness is there for you to face the situation and yourself."


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.



A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"You would not get right answers as long as you verbalize what you describe in your mind. Because you do not connect with me now."


A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

“Be one with God. Because, happiness is with God."


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.




A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

“When you face difficulty, pray for God. Know that God will give you what you need."


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.



A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

“To solve habits since you were little, pray to God. Ask God 'How could I solve the situation without using anger?'"


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.